Tuesday, January 18, 2005



Monday, January 17, 2005

PIEHOLE nears end of production

pictures of the penultimate PIEHOLE shoot

Monday, January 10, 2005

wriggled and jiggled and wiggled - part 2

We shot the opening credits sequence yesterday with assistant producer and actor LisaP. It transcended my wildest possible dreams.

Maybe it was because all four people at the shoot know each other real well, maybe it was because we were shooting in the kitchen of my parents' house, maybe it was because we all watched some of the Director's Label Series Boxed Set (which my sister helped design) before we started filming. For whatever reason, the scene was amazing, heightening what I originally had in mind by a factor of 10.

This is the kind of magic I had secretly and greedily dreamed of when I got the chance to make a movie with improvisers. I'd like to say more, but i don't want to ruin it for anyone, so I'll just say this, the opening credits of PIEHOLE will be like the opening credits of 7even but funny, and Lisa's performance will fucking blow people away!

buck naked man 1, campus cops 0

Amazing account from sounds maestro and keyboardist Ethan Kaye on his blog, How to Cook Everything, recounting some adventures after one night of PIEHOLE shooting.

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

cold wet willie

Check out Assistant Director and actor Jon Fabris's great behind the scenes video:Good Weather for PIEHOLE

Monday, January 03, 2005

wriggled and jiggled and wiggled

Thanks to the brilliant mind of PIEHOLE Assistant Producer Lisa Palmisano PIEHOLE now has the Perfect Opening Credits Song. Lisa will be performing the song in the opening credits scene as Troy's Mother, while she prepares a care package for her son. I have always believed that opening credits are an important and often over looked part of any flick (except of course for this guy, whose job i totally want).

I feel pretty good that now, if nothing else, PIEHOLE will have a hot opening credits scene, ensuring that the audience is paying attention while the names of ALL the filmmakers appear on screen.

*Note: there are two versions of the above song, the original and the slighly toned down version (which is reflected in the linked lyrics). We will of course be using the original and more morbid version.

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